Boone High School Alumni

toreadors logo

Alumni Information/Recognition Form 

We are always looking to highlight the successes of our BCSD alumni as we know there are many doing incredible things in the world. This form gives you the chance to share your story or the story of another alumni to be recognized!  We are looking for graduates of Boone Schools who are doing great things in any of the following: Career, Service, Community.

Alumni Registry

Register to access our full library of photo albums shared by Boone High School Classmates!

Alumni Podcast

Hosted by Boone EDGE students featuring alumni of BHS from years past.

Instagram page: @Boone_Alumni_Podcast.

We are so excited to bring you this Podcast! ROLL DORS!

alumni podcast

Alumni Tour Requests

Interested in incorporating a tour of BHS in your class reunion schedule? Contact the High School Office by calling (515) 433-0989 to discuss details and coordinate a time to check out Boone High School!

exterior of high school